Saturday 10 September 2016

Peter Okoye shows off sleek cars in new photo on social media -

Peter Okoye shows off his sleek cars in a new photo on social media.

I will call out this shaken gang of wives, says Buhle Mkhize -

It’s almost one year since Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba’s wife, Norma and US-based fashionista Buhle Mkhize aired their dirty laundry on social media during a rather nasty public feud.
According to Times live the public spat between Norma and Buhle got tongues wagging as it continued for months, with both women calling each other derogatory names on social media.
It all started after Buhle lashed out at Norma in a spicy open letter on social media claiming to have had an affair with Malusi.
Now Buhle has taken aim at “shaken wives” saying she is tired of people rubbishing her name.
“I will call out this gang of shaken wives until they stop stalking me. They come here and take my posts to share them on gossip sites in attempts to tarnish my name,” she said.
Buhle has since deleted the scathing post, in which she says that she just wants to live her life freely.
“None of you know how painful it is to be dragged, about a mistake you are over and done with and then be accused of being obsessed,” she added.
Buhle also alleged that she is being checked up on whenever she is in the country.
The full-blown war between Buhle and Norma started in October last year, when the fashionista penned an open letter claiming that Norma had been harassing her over an affair she had with Malusi.
This led to a war of words between the two women, which eventually led to Malusi addressing the debacle in a press statement. While, Malusi was careful not to elaborate too much on the affair allegations, he stated at the time that Buhle “is obsessed with my family.”
However, in an interview with the Sunday Tribune in January, Norma reportedly admitted that Buhle had sex with her husband.

FINALLY! Lillian Muli Responds To Assault Claims -

Citizen TV news anchor Lillian Muli has finally issued a statement regarding a widely shared video which showed her hurling insults at a waitress.
A day after the ‘scandal’ blew up, the screen siren just tweeted “Goodnight. One Love” that was it. We’ve not heard much from her since then.
It now seems like she has decided to issue a more comprehensive statement that would seem to address the matter.
Through a post on Twitter, Lillian questioned the motives of her exposers before saying that she was not contacted so that her side of the story can be heard.
Check out the tweet below.
Since right of reply would have watered down the impact of the INTENDED SPITE it was never sought. Were all sides of the issue explored? NO— Lillian muli (@lillian_muli)September 10, 2016
From the very onset, I must say that I find this interesting; interesting because before the story went up, we offered her a right of reply but she snubbed us.
Check out the screenshots below.

Even after the story was published, we again tried to call her and again our efforts ended in futility as she hang up every time we called her.
Lillian Muli has been the talk of the town after a video capturing her insultinga waitress at an upmarket establishment went viral.
In the video, the news anchor is heard yelling words like words likeb*tch at the waiter.

Meet Phathutshedzo Makwarela: The mastermind behind The Queen and Rockville -

I get inspired when I read this kind of stories and so I decided to share because it may inspire someone else out there.
Finally black stories are being told by black people, and Mzansi folk are addicted. One of the very few head writers in South Africa is Phathutshedzo Makwarela.
Meet Phathutshedzo Makwarela: The mastermind behind The Queen and Rockville
From the age of 16, Makwarela already saw himself toying with the feelings of South African TV lovers.
He confessed that he did not know how he was going to win audiences, “but I knew I wanted to be part of making dramas an appointment viewing,” he says.
“I have always had ideas, every time when I watched TV. It got to a point where I was sending my ideas to TV production houses as letters but they would reject them.”
But the ambitious Makwarela did not give up.
“I knew I would make great TV. My parents wanted me to be an engineer, so they sent me to a technical high school. I did not want that but I went and did motor mechanics, which I was good at.”
Makwarela is now a scriptwriter and a head writer of Mzansi Magic’s most-loved soapies, as well as dramas such as SABC 1’s Skeem Saam and Uzalo; Mzansi channel’s Rockville, Igazi, and most recently, The Queen.
Makwarela was also the scriptwriter and head writer for TshiVenda soapie Muvhango.
The 32-year-old tells SA stories across cultures and different languages.
“I love SA cultures, the adversity. It is beautiful. Usually before we write a drama, for instance, with Igazi, we visited the Eastern Cape. We spoke to the community there and cultural experts,” Makwarela says.
Makwarela, born and bred in a rural village, Mamvuka in Limpopo, said right after finishing his matric at S.J. Van Der Merwe Technical High School in Lebowakgomo, Limpopo, he had to ask his uncle to talk to his parents about the career path he wanted to take after matric.
“I knew my parents wanted me to be an engineer. I was afraid to tell them about my passion. I had to send my uncle to tell them I wanted to study television.”
His parents eventually agreed.
“I had applied to study TV and Film Production at Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria at the time,” he recalls.
He said during his time at the university, his class travelled to SABC studios for a tour.
“When we got there I remember the only person I wanted to see was Karabo Moroka (Connie Ferguson). Unfortunately, she was not there and I was so disappointed.”
However, Makwarela says, the tour guide at the SABC took them around the studios to see TV sets.
“Being around those sets was an out-of-body experience. I was so happy. From that day onwards I decided I wanted to write. I wanted to tell actors what to do and say,” he chuckled.
He described his time as a film student as a surety to his passions and dreams.
“I even started applying for internships. I remember the first opportunity I received was from Soul City. I had applied and the producer made me write a script test. I passed it and that was my biggest chance.”
After Soul City, Makwarela worked on dramas such as Tshisa, and then a sitcom Moferefere Lenyalong.
He says after that sitcom, “I knew I was not a sitcom writer.”
But his journey to becoming a script writer was not without challenges, Makwarela said.
“I had a lot of ideas for shows. I was always that talkative one in the brainstorming meetings but I noticed that black people were being undermined in the industry,” he said.
Makwarela cited the fact that black TV writers were not trusted with heading productions.
“You would hardly see a black person being a head writer and that bothered me so much for a long time.
“Even when I started at Muvhango black people were just writers, roles for head writers were reserved for whites.”
He said the challenge of black writers always being below white writers had become so bad that when a production house owned by soapie veteran Ferguson and her husband Shona called him to be a head writer in their dramas, he was shocked.
“I asked myself why are they not calling a white person? I even asked them, but they insisted they wanted me to be a head writer,” said Makwarela.
Working for the Fergusons has been a great experience for him.
He credited Skeem Saam creator Winnie Serite for believing in him and always teaching him a lot about script writing.
Makwarela also said his co-head writer, Gwydion Beynon, at Ferguson Films has been a great help in his career.

John Dumelo Set to Produce His First Movie After Over 10 Years As An Actor–And Guess Which Political Arena Folks Say the Funding Came From…

There is an unconfirmed report that John Dumelo is set to produce his own movies. says it has been informed that, John Dumelo has broken the financial chain that made it impossible to produce his own movies after over 10 years as an actor–a period which we’ve seen his colleagues like Yvonne Nelson, Yvonne Okoro, Kafui Danku, Eddie Nartey, Juliet Ibrahim, Joselyn Dumas and others were running their own productions.
It was always an issue of funding as every actor these days aspires to be in control to either direct or produce, the source said.
And “John Dumelo has long been wanting to shoot his own movie, with his name on it but he couldn’t afford,” our source said.
Though unconfirmed, our source claims John Dumelo’s first production will be done within the next 3 months and it’s being financed by a certain political party.


This lady was spotted wearing this diaphanous dress in a night club in order to attract customers. The question that every right thinking persons were now asking was: Whether hell is now empty and all the devils’ are here on earth or probably in Nigeria. It’s so saddening and lugubrious these days that our ladies have misinterpreted nudity for fashion. Wear something better this weekend, mbok!


In what will go down as the most fierce battle of the titans in the history of the United States of American presidential election, a Nigerian prophet, Primate Ayodele has predicted how Hilary Clinton will win the forthcoming American presidential elections. Hilary Clinton’s victory would see the US celebrating the first female president in the history of the country. The Primate explained that Trump, the presidential candidate of the Republican party is only fighting a losing battle. In an exclusive chat with Taye Olayemi, publisher of the Global Village Extra, a US-based online Newspaper, the Spiritual head of NIRI Evangelical Church stated categorically that Trump’s fiercest rival, Hilary Clinton will win the election. The prophet who is well-known in Nigeria for his accurate prophecies about incidents in the country and beyond, has said that the election will be keenly contested but Hilary will celebrate victory. He however advised Clinton not to relent in her campaign. He said though Trump will invent several antics to frustrate her including blackmailing and scandalous incidents but “Hilary Clinton should not relent on her efforts” Ayodele warned.


Hmmm… to those who have been asking this question for a long time now, don’t worry I have found an answer to your question. A long, long time ago, heaven and earth were very close friends. Heaven was fond of coming down to greet earth from time to time and they enjoyed being with each other. There was a day, heaven came to visit the earth and they were both hungry. They both decided to go for a hunting game. They eventually caught an antelope but in the process of sharing the meat, heaven felt cheated by the earth and he got angry. Since that time, he decided to go far, far away from the earth and never again came down to visit the earth. Do you believe?


Weekends can be so boring for some who love to stay indoors. For some self confessed weekend hermits, it is not easy thinking up new things to try just to keep the blood flowing. There are many activities one can engage in indoors; if you have kids, you could bond with a word puzzle game, you could start developing your skill by doing an online course in photography or whatever you are passionate about. Weekends should be fun and a time to take the steam off.

If you have cash to burn and probably not feeling the crunch, I would recommend one holiday spot on the outskirts of Lagos. Thank God Federal Government has declared Monday and Tuesday public holidays so you have every reason to spoil yourself a little.
La campagne tropicana beach is a 65 acre tranquil paradise which is about an hour's drive from Victoria Island. It is a traditional Yoruba themed place that will wow you if you are a first timer. You will be mesmerised with the warm reception of the staff with their Yoruba styled outfits. I wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag so I rather keep you in suspense to go see things for yourself. Lots of activities you could engage in, namely: horse riding, canoeing, bike riding, volley ball etc. I must mention that you have to pay a gate pass of 4,500 naira and 46,000 naira for some rooms. Happy holiday.

Friday 9 September 2016

Sarkodie: Christening of rapper’s daughter in pictures -

Popular Ghanaian rapper, Sarkodie and his family were all smiles at the christening of Adalyn Owusu Addo also known as Titi Sarkcess.BET Award-winner, Sarkodie released a single to honour the arrival of his baby girl.
The less than three minutes piece, titled ‘The Way I Feel’, detailed how Sarkodie was informed about the delivery of his daughter.

Dethroned Miss World Kenya Is Back In The Limelight With A Bang As She Gets Signed On Major Endorsement Deal -

I believe, the dethroned Miss World Kenya would have won us the crown, if she was not stripped of her title. She has the style, poise and confidence of a regal beauty queen. To top that, she has that ‘je ne sais quoi‘, x-factor feel about her. Roshanara Ibrahim was dethroned by Terry Mungai, the Miss World Kenya franchise director. It is yet to be revealed why the drastic step was taken. Roshanara was pissed. She is in the process of suing the franchise. Anyhow, word on the ground was that Roshanara was linked to a politician, a claim she vehemently denied, saying, she has never even meet Moses Kuria. Read the reports below.

Before she was dethroned, Roshanara shot a video that was to be used during her Miss World debut. From the video you can see how gracious she is.

She wrote,

Download and watch.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Kidero’s Range Rover Clamped by City Askaris Just Outside His Office -

It is reported that Nairobi residents witnessed a rare turn of event on Tuesday when a posh range rover which is said to belong to Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero was clamped outside his office at City hall by  his employees.
The photos doing rounds on social media of the luxurious white range rover went viral after being clamped by the city askaris under unclear circumstances.
How can that be?


It’s no use going through life feeling all grumpy and stressed out; happiness is a great feeling that we all love to experience, and learning how to be happy is possible. If you are feeling down and angry, here are some reasons why you should be happy right now:
1. There are people who truly love you
Yes, there are some people, especially, your family who look up to you and love you, they also happen to be the most important in your life. If you want to be happy, this should be your starting point. No matter how bad you are feeling, remember you are not alone, you have people around you who love you unconditionally.
2. Be happy because you are alive
Be thankful that you are still alive and well. Many people would have wished to be in your shoes, but they are not. No matter how unhappy, sick, tired or sad you are, remember you have one of the most precious gifts – your unique life! Instead of worrying about everything, you should start to notice and enjoy the present moment, be happy now that you are breathing and you are alive. Nobody has the power to determine the future. Choose happiness today, and enjoy every moment that you have. This is the best way to learn how to be happy.
3. Being happy makes you a lot more enthusiastic and productive
It has even been proved that happy people are also the most productive and often the most successful in their field of activities. Being productive enables you to accomplish your goals in life quicker and better, and therefore, you become more successful and live more fulfilling life.
4. By being happy you make the world a better place
Can you imagine a world full of unhappy, bitter and angry people? It would be the worst place to live in. Although the world has challenges, such as poverty, destruction, war and famine, you need to strive and be happy that you have survived these pitfalls. You should always tell yourself ‘I chose to be happy, no matter the circumstances.’
5. Being happy improves your relationships
Happy people have fewer enemies and more friends. Most married people are happier, than unmarried ones. This means that, if you learn how to be happy, you will be able to work on your relationships and make them even more beautiful and more fulfilling.
6. Be happy to remain healthy
Credible research has indicated that there is definitely a connection between health and happiness. Happy people always tend to be healthier and live longer, compared to unhappy and grumpy crowd.
7. What about all your achievements?
Look at your life and congratulate yourself on the many positive things that you have already achieved and accomplished, this will make you feel good and will motivate you for further adventures and accomplishments.
8. Notice love all around you and give some love to yourself every day
For anyone to love you, you have to love yourself first. Knowing that you are proud of yourself, you are beautiful and unique, you are confident, you accept yourself, you forgive yourself for past mistakes and failures, and knowing that you have people who you love and who love you back, will instantly make you feel happier, you simply need to remind yourself of these things more often!
9. There are so many fun things that can put a smile back on your face! Do them often!
Participate in activities that make you happy more often, don’t just forget about them. These can be your hobbies, for example. Take time to do things that bring a smile to your face and that make you happy! Life is about enjoying your journey!
The above are some of the reasons why you should feel happy now. You can find thousands of other reasons on why and how to be happy. Remember and say to yourself often: “I chose to be happy” and let this be your guiding motto every day!


“It’s time your highness”
She gave him the “don’t touch me look” and entered the badly lit room. It had been lit like that because of the occasion to add some sick kind of essence to it. As she walked in they began to raise the blinds one by one and light burst into the room exposing the faces of the people in the room. They were all seated around a glass table that spanned the length of the room, everyone with a different expression on their face.
The only time the family gathered in such numbers was during monthly financial reports, and even then some were always absent, content with anything the Queen handed down to them. She saw her late husband’s first cousin, the quiet Mrs. Tolu, who had never stepped a foot in the building since Bola became Queen, she was supposed to be in Moscow. Seated beside Mrs. Tolu were the Owerri twins, nicknamed so because their mum her late husband’s aunt married an Owerri man. They too had come for the meeting dressed in suits looking like lawyers who had just lost a court case. As she walked down to her seat at the head of the table, she silently scanned the room for Tega hoping he was alive and well. Beside the Owerri twins was a pregnant lady, the light didn’t shine much on the lady as she kept her head in the shadows. Bola paid little attention to her because she hadn’t seen her before. She just assumed the woman was one of the wives in the family.
“Someone tell me what is going on and why you all will dare to summon your Queen. We have rules in this family and I still remain the head and will be treated with the respect of the head,” she said trying to gather some courage. She could notice one or two doubts in various faces. The room contained about sixty family relatives and a few were beginning to sweat as she spoke. She was the Queen and she wasn’t going down easily.
She noticed her chair at the head of the table was faced backwards, so she assumed that whatever coup they planned must have failed as her seat was still vacant. She continued talking.“I want to see Tega now or someone will be ostracized from this family. I am the Queen and till I am no more, I will be treated as such.”
A commanding voice at the head of the table answered her. It could only have come from one person. As her supposed chair turned, she saw the person in it but could not register the meaning of what he was doing on her throne.
“New wives could be so noisy, I will advise you seat down and listen to the proceedings of this meeting.” It was Tega and he was seated on her chair. “It couldn’t be that he was the mastermind of all this”, she thought.
Olu Billions spoke and others chorused, “Listen to your husband the king, he knows what is best.” It was too much for her to comprehend and she burst out in tears. “The only husband I ever had is six feet below, I don’t know what is going on here but I don’t like it at all”. She was sure if she and Tega had married she would have at least remembered right? A big ceremony to shut down the town, dignitaries, the governor would be there with his foul mouthed wife and his concubines well-disguised as protocol officers right?  She sure would have remembered the ceremony.
“The moment your parents took kola, drink and money from Tega they had consented to your relationship and that is good enough for us.” Olu Billions was leading the rebellion. He had always hated Bola and had planned this for so long, this was his moment to relish. “If you want a ceremony, I personally will sponsor the biggest wedding the city has ever seen just for my king and his newly wed wife.” The toothpaste commercials had nothing on the smile on his face. “You know the rules. The king supersedes us all, including you his wife so I suggest you sit down and do what our king says.”
She couldn’t believe it, she had been played by a kid. She had been so blinded by love and she knew the rules alright. If there is a king they cannot be a queen; this was one of the reasons she never remarried. Now she had been relegated to the background. She sat down and could barely hear what her supposed husband was saying for the voice that once made her go crazy with mixed emotions was now making her crazy with mental problems for real. She couldn’t leave, it would be rude to the new KING. She didn’t want to slump further, she knew she had to pull herself together and plan her revenge. Yes she had a plan already – she was pregnant with the new king’s child. She had the heir to the throne growing in her.

She listened quietly as they reassigned positions to the faction of the family loyal to her brother in-law. The empire she had built was being shared before her very own puffy eyes. The hotels which were the most lucrative legal businesses went to Olu Billions. Other smaller companies were shared accordingly, the Owerri twins got the car shops and the only thing they left for her was the bottled water company she had interned for about two decades ago. That was where she met her late husband. It was a practical joke but she was the only one not laughing. The only thing on her mind was protecting the child in her; the new heir was going to reclaim everything. She knew it was a boy, without scanning she knew it was a boy. The stakes were just too high for any other outcome.
After the meeting they filed out and left the room. No one talked to her, as if she had Ebola. She wasn’t surprised. They were too busy kissing the new king’s ass. The pregnant lady she had met walked up to her and said
“Hello mummy”
Yes it was her daughter Omawunmi that sat there all along. The series of unfortunate events did not allow her recognize her daughter. Contrary to what most family members thought, she didn’t faint because of the teenage pregnancy or all that moral bullshit. What made her faint was the fact that her daughter was now carrying the new heir of the family as she was obviously far ahead with her own pregnancy.
The family members couldn’t care less. Teen pregnancy or bastard child, he was going to be their heir (they had done the scan). She was in the ruling cartel and this could only mean the former Queen would never have claims to power ever again. She would be kept in oblivion for the rest of her life. No one cared who the father of Omawunmi’s child was. It really didn’t matter. The better if he didn’t show up and start making demands. Someone should have asked; it would have saved them the disaster that followed as mother and daughter were pregnant and in a secret race to deliver first.

US Open: Serena beats Halep to reach last four -

World number one Serena Williams fended off spirited Simona Halep on Wednesday, downing the fifth-seeded Romanian 6-2, 4-6, 6-3 to reach the US Open semi-finals.
Williams, seeking a record seventh US Open title and 23rd Grand Slam crown, fired 18 aces en route to the triumph, which set up a Thursday evening meeting with first-time Grand Slam semi-finalist Karolina Pliskova for a place in Saturday’s championship match.
But she made her task against 2014 French Open finalist Halep harder with 43 unforced errors and Halep, firing on all cylinders from the baseline took advantage.
The Romanian became the first player in the tournament to break Williams’s serve, and the first to take a set off the top seed
After failing to convert any of a dozen break points in the 65-minute second set, Williams regained control in the third with a break for 3-1 and steamed home from there.
“I’m glad I got tested,” said Williams, who saw seven break point opportunities go by in the second game of the second set.
She had five more chances in the final game of the set, which went to deuce eight times before Halep closed it out on her fifth set point when Williams fired a backhand long.
“I think her level really picked up in the second, but I had some opportunities that I didn’t take.
“So what I gather from that is I really could have played better in that second set and maybe had an opportunity to win in straights.
“If anything, that’s the biggest silver lining I take.”
She can also take heart from her ability to produce some massive serves when she needed them, especially after a sore right shoulder prevented her from even practicing her serve much in the build up to the tournament.
“I feel OK,” Williams said. “I’m not at 100 percent, but I’m OK. Nothing to complain too much about.
Halep was left regretting her inability to convert two break points in the opening game of the third set.
“(If) I could take that game, I think the story of the match would have been different,” Halep said. “I am a little bit disappointed that I had could not take the chances, but I’m also happy about the way I stayed there and played.”
Williams’s semi-final against Pliskova promises more fireworks. The 10th-seeded Czech leads the WTA tour in aces this year.
After surviving a match point en route to a fourth-round victory over Venus Williams, Pliskova beat 18-year-old Croatian Ana Konjuh 6-2, 6-2.
“I’m so excited to be in my first semi-final,” said the 24-year-old Pliskova, who had failed to make it out of the third round in 17 prior Grand Slam appearances.
Having broken through to the quarters Pliskova didn’t waste her opportunity.
With a quick break under her belt in the opening game she was able to swing freely and needed just 57 minutes to subdue Konjuh, who upset fourth-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska in the fourth round.
“I think it was the serve,” said Pliskova, who finished off the match with two of her three aces. “My serve was very good today.”
Konjuh, the 18-year-old who is projected to rise from 92nd in the world to 51, couldn’t be disappointed with her fortnight’s work.
“I cannot be sad after all of this,” she said. “When I came here I could only imagine playing the quarters. I think it’s been a great tournament.”
– No. 1 ranking under threat –
Despite her dearth of Grand Slam success, Pliskova is playing with confidence after winning her biggest title to date on the hard courts of Cincinnati.
She beat Angelique Kerber in the final to deny the German world number two’s bid to supplant Serena atop the world rankings.
Serena said she hadn’t talked to her sister yet about how best to approach Pliskova.
“I haven’t even gotten that far yet, actually,” she said. “I’m still trying to just get over this match. I’m sure Venus will tell me something, but I’ll be there. I’ll be ready tomorrow.”
Kerber, who booked her semi-final slot on Tuesday with a 7-5, 6-0 victory over 2015 finalist Roberta Vinci, can still nudge Serena from the summit.
No matter the outcome of Kerber’s semi-final clash with former world number one Caroline Wozniacki, Serena must now reach the final to stretch her reign to a record-breaking 187 weeks.
If Kerber advances to the title match, Serena will have to beat her for a seventh US Open trophy to stay number one.

I’m no more inspired to sing about Nigeria – Kollington Ayinla -

Seasoned fuji artiste, Kolawole Ayinla, popularly called Kollington Ayinla, has said that he is no more inspired to sing about Nigeria.
According to him, Nigerians, especially their leaders, have not made use of all he has sung in the past.
Ayinla told our correspondent in a telephone interview on Thursday that with the level of corruption in the country, there was hardly anything that anyone could do to turn things around.
He said, “I believe that President Muhammadu Buhari is trying his best as far as corruption is concerned. But as he is building the house, some people are pulling it down. If we have to say the truth, corruption is widespread in the country. Even the unborn child is corrupt”
Decades ago, whenever there were major changes on the socio-political scene, Kollington would be among the first musicians to sing about it. The Ilota, Kwara State-born artiste would move into the studio and eventually release an album on such.
This distinguished his music and that of his contemporary, Sikiru Ayinde Barrister. Believing that an artiste has the duty to enlighten the masses on happenings in government, it was this tradition that gave birth to Kollington’s albums such as Esin o F’aja, which condemned the religious crisis that engulfed Kano in 1981; Austerity Measure, released  the same year; and Oro Idibo Nigeria, a prelude to the 1983 general election.
But the Nigerian situation seems to have broken the man’s spirit. As he also noted in an interview last week, all efforts to inspire the country into greatness had failed.
He recalled that in Nigeria ko le Ku, he sang jocularly that Nigerians could now have fun and procreate freely, as the prices of babies’ foods had gone down, following the coming of the military government. But he regretted that over time, every government had failed the people.
He said continued onslaught by pirates had also killed his interest in releasing new albums.
“Before I leave the studio, they would have started selling my work on the street,” he said.

Apple unveils new iphones and waterproof watches -

Apple on Wednesday unveiled two upgraded versions of its iPhone and a new waterproof smartwatch, seeking to reignite growth for the iconic technology maker.
The iPhone 7 and larger iPhone 7 Plus, with new camera technology, 50-meter water resistance and other features, were the highlight of an Apple media event in San Francisco.
The new devices come with Apple seeking to reverse declines in sales of the iPhone in an increasingly saturated global market, and boost its Apple Watch — in a slump since the enthusiasm of last year’s release wore off.
Apple chief executive Tim Cook said the new smartphones take advantage of the latest iPhone software, iOS 10.
“We are about to launch iOS 10, our biggest iOS release ever. It is jam-packed with new features,” Cook said.
“Now of course the world’s most advanced mobile operating system deserves the most advanced smartphone, and here it is.”
The flagship devices will be sold at around the same price as the models they replace, starting at $649 for the iPhone 7 for US customers, with deliveries in 25 countries beginning September 16.
One new iPhone feature — which may ruffle some feathers — is the removal of the headphone jack, requiring audio to be delivered via Apple’s proprietary “lightning” connector or by wireless.
“From the start we designed lightning to be a great audio connector,” Apple vice president Phil Schiller told the unveiling event.
“We are taking the headphones in iPhone 7 and 7 Plus to lightning, and including them in the box with the device.”
Apple will also include an adaptor to allow consumers to use existing headphones with the iPhone.
The iPhone 7 Plus, Apple’s version of a “phablet,” includes dual cameras to improve optical performance and photo quality, the company said.
While Apple has touted total iPhone sales of one billion, the number sold in the quarter ending June 25 fell 15 percent from a year earlier, highlighting concerns over growth for the key profit driver.
‘Super Mario Run’
Apple had saved a further surprise for its launch event, announcing jointly with Nintendo that “Super Mario Run” — featuring the iconic game character and developed specifically for mobile — will hit the App Store this year.
Apple, Nintendo and game maker Niantic announced the wildly popular Pokemon Go would be available for Apple Watch users later this month.
On the wearables front, its new Apple Watch Series 2 will also feature GPS — allowing people to gather fitness data during an outdoor workout without need to take along a smartphone.
“We started shipping Apple Watch just 18 months ago, and already people all over the world are using it in many aspects of their daily lives,” Cook said.
“But we are just getting started.”
Sales figures for the smartwatch are not disclosed by Apple, but surveys show enthusiasm has faded since last year’s release.
Apple saw a 56.7 percent year-over-year drop in sales of the device in the past quarter, research firm IDC said.

Can you identify the people in this picture? -




David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture created between 1501 and 1504, by the Italian artist

It is a 5.17 metre (17.ft) made statue of standing male nude. The statue represents the Biblical hero David, a favoured subject in the act of Florence. Michelangelo's David differs from previous representations of the subject in that Biblical hero is not depicted with the head of the slain Goliath, as he is in Donatello's and Verrocchio's statues. Most scholars consider that the work depicts David before his battle with Goliath. Instead of appearing victorious over a foe much larger than he, David's face looks tense and ready for combat.



A Port Harcourt based pastor and one of his church members had a plane crash, they both died immediately and went to heaven. On reaching heaven, the Angel on duty welcomed them and wasted no time in showing them their homes. To the church member he showed a very beautiful mansion as the place he would spend his eternity. He then took the pastor to a shed and told him "pastor, this is where you are going to spend your eternity". The pastor was annoyed and started ranting. "how could you do this, you gave my church member a mansion and I, his spiritual Godfather a shed". The Angel replied and said: " your church member has treasures in heaven because he pays tithe and gave alms to the poor while he was alive. As for you, you collected the tithe and the offerings and all you did was buy exotic and expensive cars, drive around and enjoy your life like the rich fool. So, you have enjoyed yourself to the fullest while on earth you should even thank God for not sending you to hell."

5 Ways Successful People Spend Their Weekend -

A lot of people waste time during the weekend glued to their set and wonder how time flew so fast, I decided to come up with these simple steps on how you can better maimize your weekend. So what do super successful people have in common? Drive? Impressive accomplishments? Influence? Yes, yes, and yes, but they also share a surprising number of weekend habits.

They don’t simply maximize their hours while they’re at work, high-achievers also use their “days off” to supercharge themselves. And you can adopt the same habits and be more productive and happy, too. Here are five ways to maximize this time, inspired by some of the most successful people around.

1.Pursue a passion

Would you believe that former U.S. President George W. Bush is an avid painter, that three-time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep knits for leisure, or that billionaire investor Warren Buffett plays the ukulele in his spare time?

You’re more than just a cog in a machine: You have interests and passions. Cultivating a hobby is a fantastic way to unwind after a long week, whether you’re playing a sport, pursuing photography, or even scrapbooking. But this is about more than unwinding; engaging in side projects and creative hobbies can result in enhanced work performance by way of encouraging creative thinking to solve work-related problems. Bottom line: don’t feel guilty about making time for your hobbies.

2. Unplug

Arianna Huffington makes it clear to employees that she doesn’t expect them to answer emails on weekends or while on vacation. Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, spends his Saturdays hiking. On Sundays he focuses on “reflection, feedback, [and] strategy.”
 This is what allows him to be super-focused come Monday.

As worthwhile as technology is, being connected to your inbox 24/7 prevents you from enjoying a badly needed separation from work, which could eventually lead to burnout. If you feel like you’re answering emails around the clock, check in with yourself and see if you can change your usage habits. If the pressure is external and you think your boss always expects you to be available, check out Muse Career Coach Melody Wilding’s advice for discussing work-life balance with your workaholic boss.

3.Spend Time With Family and Friends

President Barack Obama makes the most of his free time with his two daughters Malia and Sasha. Billionaire Mark Cuban may be a shark on TV, but switches to Dad mode at home with his wife and two daughters.

Even if you don’t have kids, you can apply the same principle, which is that you carve out time where you’re focused on your loved ones. Maybe you work too many hours during the week to check in on your relationships: The weekend is the perfect opportunity to meet for a meal or a walk, or schedule a phone call. This’ll help you be less resentful come Monday, because you won’t feel like work comes first seven days a week.

4. Take a Nap

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and inventor Thomas Edison are just two of the many famous people who swear by the “power nap.” In fact, napping at work is actually good for your productivity.

However, not all bosses are on board with it, so you may have to forgo a nap Monday through Friday. Plan on taking one on the weekends, just don’t spend all afternoon in bed. Short power naps of no longer than 20 minutes leave you feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to accomplish your personal to-do list, so you can focus on work come Monday.


The super successful find time to give back. Maybe you can’t Monday through Friday, but that’s OK. Sites like will let you sort local opportunities for days of the week so you can find one for a Saturday or Sunday. It turns out that acts of altruism have tangible positive effects on the giver. Helping those in need helps you keep things in perspective. Studies have found that people who volunteer in their communities display increased growth and personal well-being.

The next time you decide to spend your weekend watching mindless TV, remember that time can be the stepping stone to the next breakthrough for yourself and your career.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Etim resumes full training -

Injured Rangers defender, Etim Matthew could well return to action on Saturday at 3SC after he resumed full training earlier this week.
Rangers announced  Matthew has resumed full training since Monday and “may be in for some action against Shooting Stars”.
Rangers assistant captain Matthew suffered a foot injury during an NPFL All-Stars match against Valencia in Spain last month.
“At first I was scared when I had that injury, thinking I might not be able to finish the season,” he said.
“I cannot wait to be part of a Rangers team who will win the league for the first time in 32 years.
“This feat will be fresh in my memory forever.
“I am pleased that the team have remained focused right up to the closing stages of the season.”
Rangers are top of the league with 54 points from 33 matches with four rounds of matches to the end of the season.

Oprah Winfrey Calls Stedman Graham Wedding Rumours Not True! -

There was a recent report circulating that Oprah Winfrey is getting married to her long term boyfriend well, Oprah has debunked such news. read how E news is reporting it.
Oprah Winfrey loves a good story—but not every work of fiction is a must-read.
The 62-year-old TV titan and Stedman Graham are not planning a "dream wedding" or a "$4 million honeymoon," contrary to a tabloid report. Rumors began circulating last week after a source told Star, "Oprah was making breakfast for Stedman when he casually made a joke about getting married, and it suddenly dawned on her how Stedman has never asked her for anything or pressured her in any way, and how she's been able to do whatever she wants. That's when Oprah connected the dots and realized it was her turn to show how much she cares about what he wants. I heard she said 'yes,' and Stedman couldn't believe it. He thought she was joking with him!" To Winfrey's surprise, some of her friends believed the report, so she set the record straight Sunday. "6 people who know me well have called today congratulating me or surprised they weren't invited to my wedding," she wrote on Twitter. "IT' s NOT TRUE!!"
Winfrey and Graham became an item in 1986, and a few years into the relationship, the businessman proposed. Even then, Winfrey knew she didn't want to tie the knot. "The moment he asked me to marry him I was like: 'Oh God, now I actually have to get married?'" she recalled during a 2015 Super Soul Sunday interview with Shonda Rhimes. Winfrey and Graham agreed to postpone the 1993 ceremony, but neither ever mentioned it again. "What I realized is, I don't want to be married, because I could not have the life that I created for myself. I couldn't do it."

Alex Ekubo resists fan who tempted him with sex -

Award winning- actor and model Alex Ekubo who is known for his simplicity was playing around with fans recently when a female decided to tempt him publicly by saying, “I will like to F@uck you,” but he chose not to fall for it. 
The lady had come openly to beg the actor to create an avenue for them to mate and instantly, he rebuked the fellow by replying “I reject you biko, I’ll be praying for you, you need Jesus.”
Many would have fallen headlong into it but not Alex proving how self controlled he can be, he ignored the plea. While speaking about his fashion sense, Alex explained that his choice of outfit depends on the kind of event he is scheduled to attend.
Speaking about his fashion life on popular style programme of TV ‘Style 101,’ he said, "For me whenever I have to dress up for any event, it’s just a simple math that I do, Choice of Outfit, the Event, the sum total is what I Wear."

5 reasons why you need to smile more -

If you were to choose between smiling and frowning which would you choose?
A smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and wonderful things in the world.
Still, often we forget about this one powerful action while we get lost in the details of today and tomorrow. We feel tired and we got too much to do at work and we got to pay the bills and why did I get the grumpiest cashier at the supermarket…
Here are 5 reasons why smiling as often as you can will put more positivity into your life, read it and put it to practise.
1. You will get a boost of happiness – try forcing yourself to smile for thirty seconds right now. The great feelings that make you smile works in reverse too. By making yourself smile, no matter how you feel, your body will start to release all those wonderful chemicals that makes you feel happy. Try it right now and feel the difference.
2. A smile changes your state – if you feel frustrated, angry or bored a smile changes your emotional state. And a positive state is not just more fun but also opens up to other possibilities in your mind. You will see the world differently through a happier lens. And then you can start building on that to have a string of positive actions and interactions with other people throughout the day. Remember life is what you make of it, so why not choose to be happy.
3. A smile changes other people’s state – walking into a room or up to the counter in a store with a smile on your face can make a world of difference. People will smile back at you and be more helpful and any social tension or awkwardness will melt away. And your interactions will be more open, relaxed and filled with fun and possibilities.
4. Well, why shouldn’t you smile? – when choosing between a frown, a blank expression or a smile the last choice seems to be the most productive and positive choice, doesn’t it? Sure, often you will forget to smile or maybe you just don’t feel like it. But if you try to remember it and use it more often you will soon develop a new habit.
5. It’s easier to smile than doing the opposite – you actually use less muscles while smiling than while frowning or making an angry face. Well, that’s probably what you have heard at least. If you start smiling more your smiling muscles will soon become stronger than your frowning muscles. And it will become easier and easier to smile than doing the opposite.
So why not make up your mind to smile?