Wednesday 7 September 2016


Detoxification is a necessary process to promote full body health; this is especially true if you are not the healthiest eater. The process removes harmful or toxic substances from your body, leading to better health and a great starting place for a new healthy lifestyle. If you experience any of the following, it is the likely time for a detox.
If you chronically feel stressed out, it may be a sign that your body needs a detox. Your body is trying to tell you something is wrong.
Detoxification helps to improve our overall health and vitality. It increases our energy levels, improves digestion, and reduces weight and the risk of many chronic disease.
Generally, detoxification leaves you renewed, rejuvenated, and can prolong your life.
Here are some simple ways you can reduce the amount of toxins in your system:
Wipe your feet

Your shoes can play a vital role in detoxifying your home. Pesticides and lead-contaminated dust, not to mention annoying pollen during allergy season, tend to settle on the ground and stick to footwear. Wiping your feet on an abrasive, high quality doormat before walking inside can keep toxins from invading your space. Better yet, make a habit of taking off your shoes at the door.
Food preparation
Food containing protein and carbohydrate are good, however do not boil or microwave them too much, overcooking may destroy the toxin-fighting compounds. When you eat boiled egg, the soft-boiled egg is better because when the egg is over boiled, it denatures the protein and therefore removes the nutritional value.
Eat properly
The way we eat can bring about toxins into the intestinal system. Most of the time, we swallow our food instead of chewing until it is in a semi-liquefied or paste form. This will lead to the stomach expelling semi-solid food into the intestines. This will create obstruction that causes fermentation and putrefaction. The result will be potbelly, intoxication, erectile dysfunction, bad breath, flatulence, infertility and more.
Protect your liver

Your liver is a toxin-clearing machine but, it is not perfect and it is mostly overwhelmed and under-rested. Many medications, including common drugs such as the pain-reliever acetaminophen, can damage the organ. According to the American Liver Foundation,you shouldn’t take more than three grammes of acetaminophen a day, the equivalent of six extra-strength pills for more than a few days in a row. Take only as small a dose as you need to feel better. For the elderly, greater care should be taken while taking the dosage, as their liver can handle even less stress.
Body detoxification
The removal of the above toxins can be facilitated by regenerating the body through body cleansing and toxin elimination in a detoxification programme. This can be done in a medical spa, the first in Africa being the Mart-Life Detox clinic in Lagos, Nigeria.
A detox programme would determine your body’s intolerance and deviations from optimal health and then spell out different therapies you need to address these shortcomings and intolerance. Even when we think we are healthy, a check up at a detox clinic can tell which organs in the body are stressed or weakened even when not in the diseased state.
These detox therapies include the Avant-Garde hydrotherapy baths and lymphatic massages as well as the Piroche lymphodrainer treatments, clay masks and body wraps. They help to detoxify the body from the inside out, dealing with fluid retention and even excessive body fat while facilitating removal of toxins from the body, regulating hormonal imbalances and metabolic processes. Also, the Piroche Bioenergetic ElectroStimulation, Diamix and Ultrasonic Xcell therapeutic machines, which respectively simulate the age-old Chinese therapeutic acupuncture, help in opening up energy pathways in the body to relieve both acute and chronic pain, moulding and re-contouring the body back into shape, while destroying body fat, without the pain that comes with undergoing surgery.

We cannot overemphasis the importance of keeping our body toxin free to live a full healthy life. We should hence, be conscious of our environmental exposure, the kinds of food we eat and the way we treat our organs and as such, treat our body right.
Start with water
Drinking a tall glass of water with juice from half of a lemon in the morning. Lemon helps re-hydrate the system and promotes digestion, which will help the flow of waste out of your body.
Move your body
Regular exercise encourages circulation in the blood and lymph system. Doing so will also enhance digestion, reduce tension, lubricate joints, and strengthen your body. It’s a proven fact. People who exercise regularly have far fewer total toxins in their systems.
Drink a lot of tea
Not only is tea full of antioxidants, it hydrates you (especially if it’s herbal) and fills you up.This means you will be less likely to overeat or eat the wrong things!Keep in mind, the caffeine in tea is different than the caffeine in coffee—it’s gentler on your system. It’ll also give you a pick-me-up minus the jitters.
Eat organic
A colourful variety of fruits and veggies should be the main focus of your diet, along with whole grains, beans and legumes, and small amounts of nuts and seeds.
You should eat whole plant foods because processed foods lack the nutrients your body needs. Dark green vegetables, for instance, are full of micro nutrients and are very low in calories, so you can eat a lot of them.


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