Thursday 19 November 2015

Brandon Camphor and one way.

The first time I saw Brandon Camphor and OneWay perform, I knew I had just witnessed something special! Their cutting-edge music and style set them apart in the Gospel music industry. However, it’s their message of Jesus Christ as the one and only way that is reaching and transforming the masses. Gospel Today had the privilege to speak to this phenomenal group on their latest single and upcoming album. GT: Please tell me about your name “One Way.” How did you come up with it? BC: One of the things that brought our group together was the faith and love for Jesus that we all share, in addition to each of our passion for this generation. When thinking of a name, we immediately went to the Word of God, and the scripture John 14:6 popped out at us. It’s our desire to show our generation there’s only ONE WAY to the Father and that is through Jesus Christ. There’s also only one way to live and that is right according to God’s Word. It’s not about adjusting His Word if it’s a lifestyle; it’s about adjusting your lifestyle to do what God’s Word says. -
GT: How did you come together? And how long have you all been singing together? BC: Fred Cleveland, Angela Jones, and I have known each other for almost 15 years now. Wow, time flies! We attended high school together in Washington, DC, and that’s where our journey began. After we graduated [from] high school, we reconnected and decided to partner in ministry as we realized we had the same interests musically and spiritually. Julia McMillan later joined our team completing the formula that is now known as Brandon Camphor and OneWay.
 GT: Your style and music are very hip and youthful. Is your primary audience the youth of today? BC: Yes, I would say our target audience are youth and young adults. We enjoy making music that is appealing to this generation, but more than anything, it’s important to share the message of Jesus Christ through every song that we sing. We can’t be so focused on making the music so relevant that it loses the effectiveness of the Gospel Message within as that is the main objective in why we do what we do. -
 GT: What message do you want to convey to today’s youth? BC: The title of our new album is Hope is Alive. With this album, it is our desire to inspire hope in the lives of every listener. Considering the times we are living in and all the tragedies we are constantly hearing about on the news, there is no better time for a message such as this to be shared with the nation. This message is not just for young people, but for ALL people. Jesus is our hope!
 GT: Please tell me about the new single? BC: I’m so excited about our latest single “I Choose You.” I knew this song had a message that could relate to anybody. We’ve all, believers and unbelievers, have had moments where we’ve had to make key decisions in our lives and the choice to choose Jesus was the biggest one for me. That’s also a part of the reason why I chose the song as a single. I think in the days we are living in, there needs to be more declarations of why Jesus is the right choice to make everyone’s life. He’s the way, the truth, and the life and people need to know! Our full-length album, Hope Is Alive, can be expected August 2015! GT: When and where can we see you perform?
 BC: All of our tour dates and latest updates can be found on our website' culled from G.T-

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