Friday 15 January 2016

A Poem by Soonest Nathaniel Scholes.

With Coffee-Spoons...
October 31,2012 at 4:51pm.

With Coffee-Spoons …

…Eliot T.S taught me…

I too have measured out
my life with coffee-spoons,

dividing and cutting out rations

for evenings


and afternoons.

I know how many bails can empty the sea of
 earth’s tears.

I know how many

grubs of smoothly powdered pride

fused in hot liquid envy,

made-up Lucifer’s cup of doom.

I know how many

ladles of gritted lust

passed under the heat of passed under the heat of steaming passion,

excited the unstable Eve to that forbidden

where of the serpentine’s brewed espresso,
 death’s sweet crema she tasted free.

  I know how many

scoops of plain humility

dissolved in the brisk fluid of compassion,

made possible the salvation of humanity,

that sacrifice at Golgotha, the steep price paid
 for man’s redemption.

I know how many bails can empty the sea of
 earth’s tears.

O! With coffee-spoons

I also have measured cautiously,

I also have measured cautiously,

how many dippers of the milky dust of
 glittering hope…

is required to revive and irradiate the dead
dreams and black aspirations

 of my despondent Africa.

I meticulously calculated

how many grams of granulated tolerance

would be sufficient to produce the tea of

In a quantity large enough to fill the cup

of all those troubled souls thriving in the war-
torn east.

I have carefully estimated

how many cubes of crystallized brotherly love

needs be added to sweeten the bitter tea of
 this hate flavored world.

I know how many bails can empty the sea of
 earth’s tears.

I have religiously counted

How many mustard seeds of faith

is essential to move mountains,

I know how much iota of doubt

can make Thomas believe.

Yea! With coffee-spoons

I have stirred the boat of fate,

paddling steadfastly upon life’s fiery

rowing relentlessly down the lake of

Lo! I have turned her wheels towards the
making of a new history.

I know how many bails can empty the sea of
 earth’s tears.

By: Soonest Nathaniel Scholes.

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