Wednesday 5 October 2016

Short story - Broken promises -

                                      Photo credits:

They sat silently and he rummaged his thoughts looking for the appropriate word to say. Both seemed lost in thoughts as the raucous birds fluttered here and there. They just sat and stared as Kunle struggled hard to contain his annoyance. His betrothed had just dashed his hopes. It was not meant to happen this way.

The young lovers had met in Kunle’s estate when Sade had just gone to visit Uncle Sotoye in Eket after her final examinations. Sade was slender, beautiful and quiet, though with a bubbling personality. She loved life and loved to get lost in the beautiful works of creation around her. She loved watching the clouds as it sailed across the sky, listening to the chirping of the birds at the break of dawn. Sade was cool headed and every father's dream. She had rather large eyes and feline looks. Her hair was usually done with the utmost care - her present look was akin to Kid's hair in House Party.

Kunle sat silently with tears running down his face as he lacked the words to express the way he felt at this most embarrassing turn in life. The two quickly became the cynosure of all eyes as they often walked round the estate. The couple usually went about with their hands innocently intertwined as if affirming the Biblical scripture that the two can surely walk together in agreement. Kunle and Sade were fond of going together to the library to read. They loved each other although it had never crossed Kunle's mind to sleep with Sade – theirs was a perfect love and like a sister, he tried to preserve her purity. Kunle was the perfect gentleman; tall, dark, handsome and every woman's dream. His broad shoulders and strong stately gait made him look every inch like an athlete. He had a deep baritone that would melt any lady's heart and was sympathetic and kind at heart. One day Sade's uncle asked her to introduce her love interest to him, seeing that she was a nubile and beautiful girl. Sade was bold enough to bring Kunle to the house because she loved him very much.

"Hello Uncle Toye, I have someone here I would love you to meet", said Sade one sunny afternoon. Hearing his niece’s voice, uncle Sotoye quickly dashed into his room to inform his wife about their august visitor.  "I hope you know what you are doing?" Sotoye's wife was skeptical about the whole thing. She preferred seeing Sade at home safe from" young boys who don't know what they want." That was her philosophy. Let sleeping dogs lie and do not go courting for trouble. She sensed this would bring trouble.

"Good afternoon sir, good afternoon ma" greeted Kunle as he bowed and prostrated. Mummy Nike smiled, she was pleased with what she saw.

"Good day", replied uncle Sotoye. "Take your seat". They all engaged in a long conversation as Kunle told Sade's uncle and aunty about himself and his background. All this was done to protect Sade from falling into the wrong hands. Sade had just turned eighteen and Kunle was only nineteen doing his industrial attachment in an oil producing company.

Why did this even matter anymore? Kunle could still vividly recall the embarrassment he had felt; that memory would last a lifetime.   He’d never knew that the day would end that way. He had called Sade as usual and informed her to get ready to go to the library with him. They’d both set out at about 8:00am that morning. When they got to the library they met some of Kunle’s friends, and after a few pleasantries outside the door they went in and found a good seat which would accord them privacy. Sade was still naive, she came from a rich home and had been pampered by her doting parents. The only reason she was allowed to visit her uncle was because they were off to Toronto for an annual meeting and were to proceed from there to Azerbaijan for a holiday. Sade wanted to spend time with her uncle since she had never stayed in Eket for more than 3 days She’d always wanted to stay for a longer period....

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