Tuesday 31 May 2016

15 characteristics of highly focused people.

The key to success and happiness in this journey called  life is focus. People who are really successful are highly focused. They pay attention to the present moment and the task at hand. This habit ensures that they are fully engaged in activities, get more done and deal with adverse life events better. People who are highly focused are mindful and they don't engage in useless banter.

1. They don't gossip.
Highly focused people do not gossip because they have better and more productive things to do with their time. The only people who engage in this petty behaviour are shallow people whose personal lives are not really fulfilling. Otherwise why would anyone care how another person is living their life? Gossiping only makes you look jealous and pathetic.

2.They don't multi-task.
Highly focused people do not multi-task. In order to be productive and attentive, they focus on one thing at a time.

3. They don't procrastinate.
Highly focused people do not procrastinate. They know the best time to do something is now and they do it now and not later.

4.They don't allow distractions to derail them.
Highly focused people give no room to distractions because they know distractions can hinder them from getting quality work done. Whether it is e-mail alerts, social media pop-up notifications or people who casually stop by for chit chats, highly focused people stop distractions before they can steal their productive time.

5.They don't seek validation from others.
Highly focused people do not look for approval because they know their self worth. They do things for themselves and believe what they do will advance them in life.They do not live up to anyone's expectations and do not concern themselves with other people's opinion.

6.They don't entertain disorganisation.
Highly focused people hate disorganisation. They refuse to entertain it because they know it adds stress to one's life, and blocks one's creativity and costs valuable time that could be used to get work done.

7.They don't give silly excuses not to work.
Highly focused people do not give silly excuses not to work. They understand that one does not have to wait for a perfect time and perfect condition to do things. That perfect time may never come. One has to brace oneself to get things done. Everyone has been given the same number of hours and it is how we use it that matters, Mark Zuckerberg and president Obama have the same 24hours.


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